Noise Import Client

API Endpoint

API Parameters

Please note that the /noise/create endpoint accepts an array of values. Each value has the following parameters.

Parameter Description
latitude Decimal degrees WGS84. Range: -90 to 90
longitude Decimal degrees WGS84. Range: -180 to 180
frequency Frequency in MHz. Range: 2 to 90,000MHz
noise Measurement as dBm. Range: -150 to -40dBm
API Key:


Enter details for noise values you wish to submit to CloudRF here.

Latitude Longitude Frequency Noise Actions


Make a request first...

cURL Example

The below cURL command is an example of a request to the /noise/create API endpoint using the data you have added. As you create data to insert this will be automatically updated.


Noise data is private to your account only.

Duplicate values for the same location(s) will prioritise the latest data.

Ensure your data matches the frequencies you are planning with.